Message from the Chief

"A Community Working Together" -the Milliken Police Department motto is proudly emblazoned on our patrol cars. It reflects an attitude by elected officials, Town staff and your police officers that we can be most effective in making Milliken a great and safe place to live and work if we join in partnership to address public safety problems.The assurance of public safety is the foundation of any healthy and vibrant community, and we are fortunate that Milliken is a safe place to live and raise a family. Safe communities are typically the result of a productive and close relationship between the residents and the police.Your officers are a dedicated group of problem-solvers who are committed to aggressively tackling emerging crime problems, and to maintain a close relationship with our residents.

The men and women of the Milliken Police Department are among the finest you will ever meet, and I am proud to serve along side them. The department's professionalism is indicated by our accreditation by the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, a standard that perhaps only one-quarter of Colorado police agencies have achieved.

We hope to earn your continued trust and respect, and I am eager for your feedback. Please feel free to call me, Chief Garcia, or any of the officers or staff; we want you to know your officers. Ride-alongs and tours are available. Thanks for visiting our website. Please let us know how we can work together to make our community even better.

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